MEGHAN CIESLAK As a woman working in the payments industry, it’s a pleasure to offer my congratulations and gratitude to the PaymentsSource 2015 Most Influential Women in Payments, particularly ETA members: PaymentsSource announced that the . . .
Tag Archives: ACQUIRER
RICK OGLESBY Sectors have a lifecycle that runs in stages from introduction to growth, maturity, decline and eventually death. The adverse publicity recently piled on the merchant acquiring sector evokes an image of vultures circling . . .
JASON OXMAN Samsung in partnership with LoopPay, today announced Samsung Pay, a mobile payments app that works universally on any POS terminal. I’ve known Will Graylin, LoopPay co-founder, for years and it’s exciting to see . . .
Super Sunday is one of the most highly anticipated events of the year in the U.S. Every year, 32 teams contend for the opportunity to compete in this event, but the teams involved are not . . .
COUNTDOWN TO EMV — Data and insider insight on the U.S. path to compliance.