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ETA/Strawhecker Group Quarterly Economic Indicators Report Forecasts Robust Growth for the Payments Industry

The newest edition of ETA’s US Economic Indicators Report has been released and is now available for viewing / download by ETA members. The US Economic Indicators Report is published quarterly with analysis from The Strawhecker Group for the benefit of ETA member companies.

Report Highlights Include:

  • American consumers are still cautious
    • Consumers are opting to squirrel away their extra gas savings amid uncertainty in financial markets, particularly due to the Brexit vote, as well as the upcoming elections
    • Consumers are expected to rev up their spending in the latter half of 2016
  • Payments volume is consistently on the rise
    • Over $4.9 trillion spent via Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal in the U.S. in 2015
    • U.S. consumer spending via electronic payments methods continues to be very strong at a 9% CAGR, driven by organic growth of the economy as well as consumer usage and merchant acceptance of credit/debit cards
  • Public Payments companies (TSGPX) continually outperform the S&P 500
    • The TSGPX has a 22.9% CAGR versus 8.9% for the S&P 500
    • A $100 investment in the TSGPX in Q1 2011 would now be valued at $328, as compared to $164 if invested in the S&P 500
  • The POS and its capabilities are evolving
    • 27% of U.S. merchants utilize a tablet-based point of sale system
    • The mPOS market in North America is expected to increase 156% by 2019

The Strawhecker Group (TSG), founded in 2006, is a management consulting company focused on the global electronic payments industry. TSG clients include merchant acquirers / ISOs, issuers, the card brands, technology and mobile companies, processors, major merchants, bank specialty lenders and private equity firms, as well as banks and financial institutions. The TSG team consists of proven industry leaders with extensive experience leading companies through explosive growth periods, mergers and acquisitions, technology-driven strategies, and data-driven decision making within the Payments Industry. Learn more: www.thestrawgroup.com.