Building a Proactive Compliance Culture in Fintech: Insights from Boost Payment Solutions’ CCO In a compelling episode of Transaction Trending, Elly Aiala, Chief Compliance Officer at Boost Payment Solutions, shared valuable insights on navigating the . . .
INTRODUCTION Small businesses are the engine of economic growth, driving innovation and creating jobs in communities across the country. The payments industry plays a crucial role in empowering these businesses to thrive, providing innovative . . .
Why is LATAM Critical? Latin America is an enormous, dynamic, and growing payments market. Innovation, market and competitive trends, and heady growth across its patchwork of markets offer lessons and opportunities for the global payments . . .
Before engaging a payments partner, software companies should develop a payments strategy. Cloud technology, code-programming developments, the COVID-19 pandemic, and general cultural shifts are driving the world’s merchants to increasingly leverage embedded software solutions that . . .
By Barbara Hudgins, AAP, APRP, CCRS Director, Payments Education, ePayResources Bob Dylan nailed today’s faster payments environment with the title of his 1964 song, “The Times They Are A-Changin’.” With so many person-to-person (P2P) and . . .