Accepting digital payments costs merchants money, but the “juice is worth the squeeze,” argues payments research firm The Strawhecker Group in their latest infographic. The infographic highlights data that demonstrates the immense value merchants and . . .
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By Gurjot Kaur Bandasha, Engineering Manager, Dataseers On March 18, 2020, President Trump signed into law the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which provided additional flexibility for state unemployment insurance agencies and additional administrative . . .
Over 100 ETA members, representing payments technology companies from across the payments technology ecosystem, met with policymakers from Congress, federal regulators and state governments at ETA’s Annual Payments Fly-In this week. After an introduction and . . .
The latest Small Business Impact Report from ETA member CardFlight, a payments technology and mobile point-of-sale firm, has found that sales for small businesses have remained steady in incremental growth in July as the COVID-19 . . .
One quarter of consumers are willing to switch their credit card provider to obtain better rewards elsewhere, according to a new report from Deloitte titled “Getting Ahead of the Curve: Reviving the Relevance of the . . .