Kevin Johnson, VP of Sales, Transact & Latin America, IR Technology, innovation, and fintech continue to transform the payments industry. From cryptocurrency and digital wallets to buy-now-pay-later and real-time, innovation is touching nearly every facet . . .
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Bart Kohler, Chief Revenue Officer at Paynuity and Owner of Allcard USA LLC Bart Kohler has been a significant contributor in the payments industry since 2000, when he founded Allcard USA LLC, a merchant processing . . .
By: Nicole Meisner, Jaffe, Raitt, Heuer & Weiss, P.C. and Tom Humphrey, Till Payments An ETA Payment Facilitator Committee Initiative Words can be confusing in this industry. We often use different words for the same thing . . .
by 2021 ETA YPPs YESTERDAY’S “LAYAWAY” IS THIS YEAR’S BUY NOW/PAY LATER (BNPL)? Everything old is new again. The modern version of yesterday’s “layaway plans” is “buy now/pay later.” What’s fresh is how high tech . . .
It is a cut-throat market for Independent Sales Organizations (ISOs) and other resellers. The intense competition has made merchant contracts tenuous. There are multiple threats to an ISOs’ business partnerships and each day brings a . . .